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Becta and the Home Access programme are working in partnership with key stakeholders, local authorities, schools and the third sector to explore ways of maximising the benefits of Home Access, as well as finding sustainable ways of delivering the required support and guidance to families.

There is a wealth of evidence showing that having home access can help children:

  • achieve more and do better at school or college
  • become more engaged and motivated in their learning.

Parents can also:

  • develop their own skills
  • make it easier and more fun to become involved in their children’s education
  • access public services online.

Recent evidence has suggested that learners who use a computer at home for schoolwork are more likely to gain over five GCSEs and one A-level, and improve the grades attained.


Benefits to having technology at home

  • Helps to reduce the technology gap between families from various income groups
  • Learners have access to software and Assistive Technology appropriate to their needs
  • Improved learning amongst learners and families
  • Increased awareness, interest and involvement of parents in their child’s learning
  • Family’s economic status will improve through the effective use of technology.

To find out more about the benefits of Home Access packages with Assistive Technology click here.


“Suffolk believes that ICT is a powerful catalyst and agent for transforming learning, teaching, leadership and management. Home Access has already begun to help ICT to become central to the way students work, as well as supporting more effective communication of progress, ready access to attainment information and exemplar work, online assessment and e-portfolios.”
Suffolk County Council


“I’ve enlisted on to an online maths course so when Evan goes to secondary school I’ll be able to help him with his homework. It’s been a big change because I can just look up jobs or apply to different courses.”
Parent, Home Access pilot